Author: chris
Recording my Piano Improvisations
They say a good woman is a great thing for a man, and I have to agree on so many levels. Among the many, many other great things my woman has done for me, one is to encourage me to record my piano improvisations. I remember how it started: Back when we were dating, I…
Rockin’ out on a Sunday Night: Journey Music at Sacramento Tribute Fest
Last night I performed at the “Legendary Rockers Tribute” Festival in Sacramento. I have been playing with “Departure,” a Journey Tribute band, since last fall. I’ve been having a great time with these guys, and it seems every performance is a cool new experience. This event was a two day-long bonanza of Tribute bands playing…
Playing Piano at Grand Opening Event in Elk Grove
Tonight I played at a “Grand Opening” event for Carlton Plaza in Elk Grove, a senior living community that just opened its doors back in December. Carlton Plaza is a company I’m familiar with, because it has facilities in Sacramento and even in the Bay Area, where I used to live and do shows. Tonight…
Live Performance of “Winter Glass” and “Summer Rain”!
This is a video from a show I did last May for the Music at Noon (“M.A.N.”) concerts at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Sacramento, CA. Special thanks to Brad Slocum for his fine video work for this performance and for being the founder and organizer of this great Sacramento weekly event. More at
“You Are Loved” Used by Sacramento Photographer Clifford Oto!
Sacramento based photographer Clifford Oto recently used my piano composition “You Are Loved” in his 2012 “Year in Photos.” Clifford is a long-time friend of my wife, and I was honored to have my music be a part of it.
Musical Exploration: Why I’m Proud to be Musically Eclectic
I have never been one to sit still when it comes to exploring my musical tastes. As a child, the music that occupied my mind were film music, pop music, broadway music, and even video game music. That started to evolve in my early teens, when I got into MTV videos and grunge and…
Emulating (vs. Imitating) Your Artistic Role Models: Where Art Truly Starts
As an artist, I have never had much luck in staying put, or boxing myself in by trying merely to imitate others. As a child, and as a young adult, I was continually inspired by music I heard. This music ranged enormously in style: from carols we sang at Christmas to blockbuster film soundtracks…
I Got Ya “Cover”-ed: The Surprising Benefits Of Playing Other People’s Music
I have always desired to make and be known for original music. I remember as a little kid fantasizing about writing music inspired by other music I loved: movie scores, music on the radio, even the demo song from the keyboard my dad bought for us (us being my brother, my sister, and myself) for…